Thursday, May 3, 2007

Blood Frenzy

"Where are they?!" The massive warcaster named Orsus Zoktavir was also known as the Butcher of Khardov. He held a battered Cygnaran stormguard by the collar on one hand and his bloodied Lola on the other hand. He was shouting, his voice likened to a mad growl. His men stood a respectable distance from him, and with reason.

The stormguard tried to speak despite half-drowning on the blood in his throat. Tried but failed. Before a word could be discerned from the wounded Cygnaran, the Butcher flung him to the ground and buried his heavy axe on the back of his skull.

Orsus raised his head and turned his eyes to the horizon. He could see some mechaniks trying to hurriedly salvage parts of the Thunderhead that he broke earlier.

A demolisher whispered a suggestion to the kapitan of his unit. "Do we give chase to the Cygnarans?"

As if possessing uncanny hearing, the Butcher interrupted before the demolisher kapitan could answer.

"No. I want those weaklings alive. They will lead us to them."

Orsus flicked off the blood on Lola with a wide swing. "Set up camp here," the warcaster commanded, "And tell Marzog to track those Cygnarans."

"Marzog is wounded, sir," answered one of the demolishers. "The greylords are treating him now."

The Butcher turned an annoyed glance at the men-o-war. "Tell him if he does not track the Cygnarans, I will kill him. Tell him now, or I will kill you, too."

There was an uneasy but very quick pause. With a salute, the demolishers took their leave and headed towards the greylords' tents.


I've been playing with the Butcher for the last three games. I've taken some aspects of how Arvin plays his Butcher, and from what I've read online. His damage output is tremendously impressive, but from my experience with playing him against Taks' Caine, he takes a bit more finesse than Vlad or Irusk to be played to his utmost effeciency.

I have felled Tiny's Thunderhead in two games by the Butcher alone -- the first one took two swings, the second one three (Thunderhead had Arcane Shield on him that time). Both were on the Blood Frenzy. I have also brought down Ronald's Titan Cannoneer in two attacks.

Unexpectedly, the Kodiak and the Spriggan prove to be very good choices with Butcher. Running for free with All-Terrain, and the other firing off Flash Bang that messes up infantry orders -- and both veritably tough as nails. Having two ARM 20 jacks in Mosh Pit is nice ^_^

Even without an Eiryss, I think the Butcher can lay low any warcaster sitting on all FOC. And with a formidable MAT 9, he'll be hitting a lot without the need of boosts to hit.

All in all, I feel I still need to play more using Butcher to see how my opponents exploit his flaws so that I can find ways to deal with them.