Sunday, April 15, 2007

Blood of the Land

The manhunter named Marzog has never felt so much pride. Pride and awe and fear all in one mixed whirlwind of emotions. Marzog is Ra'du's apprentice so to speak. And as always, a Khadoran's first exposure to war will be one carried all throughout one's life. But with Marzog it was different. His mentor has given him one of the best honors that a Khadoran could ever have.

To fight with a legend.

Zevanna Agha was her name. She was called the Old Witch of Khador by some. But everyone in the Motherland knew of the power she possesses.

"Marzog," the witch's voice a hoarse cackle that echoed throughout the field, "I want that Stormclad out of commission."

A fiery pride welled up in the manhunter. And he obeyed without question. Bounding through the brush with great strength and axes in hand, the world and everything around him seemed to slow. A personal command from the Old Witch is a great honor. Marzog had no doubt or hesitation in his heart. Alone, he shall bring down the massive Cygnaran warjack.


Lifted from Karmic Backstab:

I've also played 500 points using the Old Witch of Khador. This one was against Obi's Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo. As expected, Obi was a lot sharper this time around, using terrain and fellow models to screen his warcaster. With a streak of luck, my Manhunter managed to tie up his Stormclad for two full turns, the Cygnaran warjack missing all melee attacks horribly. I also pumped out Page 5 here full force, giving up my Man-O-War Demolition Corps and Widowmakers to position my forces better and draw his forces in even more.

One of the more funky moves I liked was casting Slaughter on the Scrapjack inside Gorman's smokes, casting Murder of Crows in the center of Obi's expensive Stormblade unit, using Unseen Path and `porting the Scrapjack right smack in there. The remaining Stormblades was deftly put down.

The best move in that game by far is more serendipitous than actually planned. I was supposed to activate Gorman first, and flinging Rust towards the Stormclad so that the Manhunter can dismantle more metal from the `jack. Instead, I was left with a yet-to-activate Gorman and the Old Witch. Nemo can be charged by the remaining Demolishers but then again, it'd be way more rewarding if the Old Witch can kill Nemo instead.

And so it hit me.

I activated Gorman first so that he can put the Old Witch in a cloud with Smoke Bomb. Then activating the Witch, I used Unseen Path and displaced her from inside the cloud and reappear inside the upkept Murder of Crows very near Nemo. I then declared her to charge and the rest was history.


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